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Ionic Foot Detox

Do you suffer from:

Stress & fatigue, Chemical toxicity,

Headaches, Hormonal issues, Muscle & joint pain, Weight issues, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Allergies & Asthma, or Diabetes?


Perfect Balance Body Detox

is a company that is increasing awareness and helping people overcome today’s health challenges due to our atmosphere’s compromised oxygen content and pollutants. Our system uses a variety of clinical and nutritional methods to help the body achieve a more balanced and healthy pH state, leaving it more disease resistant and energised.

The one hour treatment also enables the body to

mobilise and eliminate toxins through both modern technologically advanced machines as well as nutritional supplementation.



Bowen Therapy


Bowen Therapy is a holistic remedial body Technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. Bowen therapy helps the body's own healing resources to achieve balance and harmony.


There is a very wide range of acute and chronic conditions for which Bowen Therapy has provided outcomes ranging from long-term rapid remission to significant improvement in presenting problems, mobility, physiology, pain, stress and general well being. Conditions that can respond well include:

  • Acute and chronic pain with musculo-skeletal or neurological origins

  • fibromyalgia,

  • back pain

  • lumbago,

  • sciatica,

  • chronic fatigue syndrome,

  • neck pain,

  • arm pain and carpal tunnel syndrome

  • TMJ syndrome,

  • shoulder pain (frozen shoulder),

  • leg and foot pain (plantar fascitis),

  • emotional depression and stress,

  • asthma,

  • sporting and other trauma injuries.


Access Consciousness Bars


Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? Or has it been a little too long since you received healing and kindness without any judgment of your body or your being?


Did you know there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn't allow you to receive? These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!


Each Access Bars ®

session can release 5-10 thousand years of limitations in the area of your life that corresponds with the specific Bar being touched. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change.


If you could wake up tomorrow with no past, no limitations, no expectations from others……. What would you choose???


doTERRA Pure Essential Oils


For people who care about improving their health and that of their loved ones, we provide simple, safe and empowering solutions that enhance well-being. Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the families manage their health. We harness nature's most powerful elements and share these gifts through our global community of wellness advocates.


Would you love to take control of your health, stop the trips to the doctors? Prevent illness from taking hold?

Essential oils are used for a very wide range of applications. They can be used a single oil at a time or in complex blends depending on user experience and desired benefit. Essential oils are diffused aromatically, applied topically, or taken internally as dietary supplements.

Our sense of smell influences many physiological pathways. Aromatherapy is founded on the body's predictable response to specific olfactory stimuli. Essential oils are widely used in aromatherapy applications. Beyond emotional benefits, diffusing essential oils can purify air of unwanted odors and some airborne pathogens.


Symtoms can help : Fever, Cold/Flu, teething tooth ache, ear ache, acne, hormonal issues, hayfever, digestion issues, muscles problems, asthma, chronic fatigue, sleep, anxiety, depression, and loads more



doTERRA Aromatouch Massage

What is the AromaTouch Technique?

doTERRA's AromaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help stimulate and balance sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems of the body. The AromaTouch technique improves well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting healthy autonomic function. The technique is simple and intuitive and uses doTERRAs Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience.

The AromaTouch Technique includes four primary steps designed to minimize systemic stressors to autonomic balance. Each step includes the application of two essential oils or essential oil blends specifically formulated to support healthy emotional and physiological functions for wellbeing.

The doTERRA AromaTouch massage technique uses the fantastic doTERRA therapeutic grade essential oils and combines them with a special massage technique. This oil application technique brings the benefits of the individual oils, as well as the power of the human touch to the applicant. Human touch transmits energy from therapist to client, aiding in the proper and healthful flow of energy. Plus, the specific hand massage techniques relax the muscles, so tension is eased, and the mind becomes at peace.

Add to all of this the benefits of aromatherapy. The AromaTouch massage oil smells heavenly and can bring calm and relaxation.

This special combination of doTERRA essential oils, the AromaTouch massage therapy technique, and aromatherapy contributes to a relaxed yet focused mind. It also brings an energetic, healthful energy to the muscles and organ systems. The doTERRA AromaTouch massage is a specialty massage with all the right ingredients!

Chi Nei Tsang

Working mainly on the abdonminal with deep, soft and gentle touches, to train internal organs to work more efficently. Unprocessed emotional charges are also addressed in this manner, as well as all of the body systems: digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, urinary, reproductive, muscular-skeletal and dthe acupuncture meridian system (Chi).  


Organ and Gland Detoxification

Chi Nei Tsang stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic systems aiding these systems to rid your body of toxins.

Muscular Release and Detoxification

Clean blood flowing through muscle tissue will not deposit toxins in to the tissue and will keep the tissue healthier over time.

Fascia Detoxification and Release

Fascia is connective tissue found through the body – including around muscle cells, around muscle bundles, organs and under the skin.  This tissue responds to toxicity by filling densely with water in effort to dilute and eventually flush the poison.  Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage helps loosen fascia and may aid in moving toxin out.

Improve and Balance Physical Energy

Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage, when performed according to ones need, may release physical tension thus allowing proper blood and energy flow through the body.

Improve Mental Clarity

Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage may release tense tissue around the abdomen that allows for improved flow of blood, oxygen and cerebral spinal fluid to the brain.

Muscular Pain Reduction

Many muscles connect to the spine.  When these muscles are cut off from electromagnetic energy they cannot fire at 100%. Unused muscle begins to shrink and pull on the bones - this hurts.  Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage releases muscle tissue and restores electromagnetic energy flow.

Improve Digestion and Elimination

Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage has multiple techniques for breaking up and moving stuck fecal matter in the intestines as well as techniques for calming IBS symptoms.

Improve Nutritional Absorption

Nutrition is absorbed through the lining of the stomach and small intestines.  Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage, when received on a regular basis, keeps the lining of the small intestine plaque free thus allowing for optimal nutritional absorption.

Improve Self Awareness

Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage is a hands on series of techniques which involve breathing and mindfulness.  Most who practice find the minutes of quiet mindfulness facilitate a deeper sense of self and awareness of reaction to inner and out stimuli.

Improve Sleep Patterns

Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage practitioners have less physical and emotional stress.  This alone changes sleep patterns.  The large intestine also produces the hormone Melatonin at night if it is empty.  Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage practitioners have self-care techniques to allow for this process to happen.

Extend Longevity and Quality of Life

It is estimated that 70% of the human immune system resides in the digestive system.  Healthy people tend to live longer, pain and disease free lives than those who are ill. Combined with healthy eating, Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage protocols keep the digestive system running smooth for life.


Arbonne - Pure, Safe & Beneficial
                   Health & Wellness


Arbonne is a highly regarded Ultra - Premium brand with a Swiss Hertiage, offering quality beauty, health and wellness products that are Healthy, Botanically Based and inspired by nature. We are committed to the development of unparalleled skin care and cosmetics, free from harmful ingredients. 

* Botanically Based 

* Hypoallergenic 

* Never tested on animals (no animal by-products) 

* 100% Vegan Certified 

* Gluten Free 

* No Parabens 

* No Mineral Oils, Artifical Dyes, Colours or Chemicals 

* Dermatologist, Ophthalmologist & Paediatrician Approved


Product Lines 

Anti Aging Skin Care Men & Women

Anti Aging Cosmetics 

Essentials Nutrition 


Hair Care 

Baby Care 

Sun Care 

Detox Spa Range 

Clear Control 

Calm Sensitive 

Lots More 



One on One Free facial and Makeup Trial 

Educational Based workshop 3-6 guests learning more about Skin & Body

                Facial Workshop 

                Make up Workshop 

                Nutrition Workshop

Samples Available 

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