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Bowen Therapy

   - is a non-manipulative, non-invasive, gentle and holistic therapy


Bowen Therapy is a holistic remedial body Technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. Bowen therapy helps the body's own healing resources to achieve balance and harmony.

The therapist makes a series of rolling moves that stimulate the muscles, fascia, nerves and energy pathways of the body to work together and to start the body’s own healing processes.


There is a very wide range of acute and chronic conditions for which Bowen Therapy has provided outcomes ranging from long-term rapid remission to significant improvement in presenting problems, mobility, physiology, pain, stress and general well being. Conditions that can respond well include:

  • Acute and chronic pain with musculo-skeletal or neurological origins

  • fibromyalgia,

  • back pain

  • lumbago,

  • sciatica,

  • chronic fatigue syndrome,

  • neck pain,

  • arm pain and carpal tunnel syndrome

  • TMJ syndrome,

  • shoulder pain (frozen shoulder),

  • leg and foot pain (plantar fascitis),

  • emotional depression and stress,

  • asthma,

  • sporting and other trauma injuries.

  • Rebalances the body

  • Relaxes the body

  • Stimulates self-healing power

  • Releases energy flow

  • Stimulates the circulation and lymphatic flow

  • Stimulates the intake of nutrients and oxygen

  • Relaxes muscles and tendons

  • Improves the mobility of the fascia

  • Releases pain and tension

  • Who wouldn’t want all of this fabulous goodness for their physical body? And as an extra bonus, the mind and emotions are soothed as well.

Bowen Therapy is a wonderful way to be kind to yourself


Your body will love it and all the extra energy you have will help you to create the healthy, vibrant life that you really want.

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